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MMR Vaccination Plunges Child Into Autism and Mom Will Never Vaccinate Again

The doctor said that the symptoms of the vaccine injury were “normal.” Her child would later be diagnosed with Autism.

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In 2015 California Senator Richard Pan introduced SB-277, a bill that would mandate vaccines for school children (which ultimately passed and is now law). To help fight this atrocious bill an idea popped into my head: video interview parents who have vaccine injured and vaccine free children and ask them to share their story. I raised funds to make this happen and ultimately I was able to host two videotaping sessions at a hotel, complete with makeup artists, a photographer (thank you Brant!), and everything we needed to capture their stories.

Gladys took her normal, healthy 18-month-old boy into the pediatrician’s office to get the MMR vaccination, only to leave with a vaccine-injured child. The doctor said that the symptoms of the injury were “normal.” Her child would later be diagnosed with Autism. She was able to help her child by following a gluten free casein free diet, and later, by using homeopathic protocols.

During the interview I asked Gladys how she felt about the autism diagnoses (and after she shared that the doctors told her that her son was fine). Gladys began to tear up, and cry. In the video I cut it before she begins sobbing.

I stopped the camera. I stopped the shoot. And we went for a walk, outside. And we talked about her son, the reason why she came to the shoot today, and how her voice will help save countless other children from vaccine harm and vaccine death. Even though there were other parents waiting to be videotaped, I took my time with Gladys. I wanted her story to be told. Finally, she felt calm enough and composed enough to continue her story.

I hope you will watch it and share it wide and far.


Vaccine Injury Treatment & Recovery

Gladys mentions some treatments she used for the recovery of her child. These include a gluten free casein free diet and homeopathy - specifically, CEASE Therapy. As someone who has been in the vaccine fight for many years, I was often messaged and asked what to do for a vaccine injured child. So, I created an entire guide specifically for that. You can click the link below to read through it (the therapies Gladys used are in there, as well as quite a few other therapies):

The Vaccine Injury Treatment, Recovery And Resource Starter Guide

I also discuss the need for DETOX for vaccine injury in my Treatment Guide. If you want to learn more about heavy metal detox and how to do it, check out this.…

Heavy Metal Detox Spray

The book Gladys talks about is:

Autism, Beyond Despair: Homeopathy has the Answers

If you like my work please Subscribe to my new Substack here and Share this post everywhere. We must wake up parents about the dangers of vaccination if we want to protect our future!

Larry Cook

P.S. Wondering how to raise a vaccine free child? Take my free course:

How To Raise Healthy Vaccine Free Children



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Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Larry Cook