Dec 11, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

My grandchildren and great grandchildren have never had a vaccine. They are the healthiest children I know. They have a great immune system because it hasn’t been compromised.

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Helluva post! Great work!!! 🙌

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Have you seen the emblem that the medical community have to swear an allegiance? Snake and staff which is on the Baphomet, a.k.a WHO. No thank you!

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

I was given a vaccine when I was in kindergarten. I passed out and hit my head on the brickwork on the ground. I’ve also had a shingles vaccine and suffered from that. No more for me.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Larry, thanks for this compilation, which I'm forwarding to about 30 potentially interested people. I proudly call myself an anti-vaxxer.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

I’ve had a vaccine injury, I was given the shingles vaccine after I’d already had them. Ended up with the side effects which was aching legs and feet. Great when you’re a golfer. NOT.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

I had a shingles vaccine after I had already had them. Left with aching legs and feet. I will never have another vaccine again. My son and grandchildren haven’t had any vaccines ever and they never get sick because they’re immune system hasn’t been compromised.

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AWESOME job Larry!!!

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Realizing we (99% of us I would guess) have been/are being poisoned multiple times and in multiple ways by our governments hand, (jabs, pesticides, by air, by water), and government has failed more than the last 5 audits, losing track of trillions, I do have to wonder what MORE would it take for people to cease interacting or trusting them, right down to the local offices, they are wholly unaccountable.

Having given them cash 40+ years for taxes, I will not accept payback in digital dollars. But I digress.

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I can't believe that they even came out with SADS. I understand it's really an excuse, but it’s a very weak argument.

"We’ve just injected millions of people with an experimental substance, and now many people are dying, or coming down with rare genetic disorders -- all at an alarming rate. Let’s just make up a new ‘syndrome’ to cover it, and hope nobody notices. Yeah, let’s stick with that...”

All of this has been made possible through fear. The “experts” work to convince enough people that the situation is inexplicably complex, therefore, you should just follow their advice. This is the case with any “science” that’s really nonsense. Virology is full of holes, all of the “experts” argue about how exactly these viruses work.

You run into the same issue when discussing quantum physics. The people who supposedly understand it -- also can’t explain it. Quantum physics is shrouded in very complex math, but nobody can explain how that math correlates with the real world -- because you probably wouldn’t understand anyway… right? I wonder why that is? I have a simple answer, because a lot of it is nonsense. It’s circular logic. Play around on ChatGPT and this becomes immediately obvious. The further you go down the quantum physics rabbit hole, the more it’s based on nothing. Where are all those quantum computers at anyway. Didn’t multiple companies claim to have made them a few years ago? Now you don’t hear anything about them.

Virology falls in with this same cycle of non-science. Scientists aren’t looking for answers, just like nobody in quantum physics is looking for answers – because if they find any, they’re worried that their funding will dry up!

One example of this was with embryonic stem cell research. Stem cells from one person won’t work in another person. This is known, and has been known for a long time. However taking stem cells from someone and injecting them back into that same person does work. Embryonic stem cell research was important only in finding out how those cells reproduce and function. But the big fight was over embryonic stem cell research for cures. The private sector had long since abandoned the need for further embryonic stem cell research, because it was found to be a dead end. But many scientists were busy trying to convince politicians and those in government, that embryonic stem cell research is a gold mine. It’s fraud. However; those scientists knew that they could get paid for life -- studying something that they already knew would lead to nothing, it’s job security.

Pharma is just echoing the same old lines. "Trust us, because we know better than you do. We can make your immune system better than what God intended, if you just let us." Think about that for a minute, because that’s the absolute root of all of this!

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I’ll never have another vaccine ever.

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SIDS... that mystery of mysteries.. kids in the 90s, young parents talking about which way to place an infant overnight. We were fooled, and stayed that way for 25 years. But the light went on when the Big Fake hit. No looking back( except in court).

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Please don’t use the word “vaccine” this way. If the product does not prevent the contraction or spread of an illness then it is NOT by definition a vaccine. If you are vaccinated against polio, you don’t get polio. Period. That is a real vaccine. This is not a small point. If the jab is not technically a vaccine, then it is not protected from liability under the 1986 act. Without liability protection big pharma cannot subject us to this travesty.

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I was first damaged by vaccines in 1955 at age 5. My brother remembers details; I don’t. At age 11 I received the oral, live polio sugar vaccine and got a light case of polio. My arms and legs hurt so badly for 2 months that I had to apply liniment multiple times a day and couldn’t help on the farm that summer. That vaxx also disrupted my gut and I was given so many rounds of antibiotics for ‘stomach flu’ that I became allergic and remain so almost 63 years later.

At 20 I was lied to and told I had to take more vaccines to travel to Northern Europe. I had a stroke a few weeks later that still affects one side of my face 54 years later.

I had no idea these were vaccine injuries until many years later. My mother just said I was a hypochondriac because I never felt well.

At 24 my kitten got rabies and I had to take rabies shots. Injection sites began abscessing. I had read the package insert and figured out what was going on.

I vowed to NEVER take any more vaccines EVER AGAIN.

As a result, my son received only a tetanus shot when tetanus ONLY was available. Within 2-3 weeks we saw the first signs of dyslexia. That was almost 40 years ago and he still deals with that sometimes.

Our daughter, her daughter and our son’s 3 children have never received any vaccines and are very healthy.

What a SCAM has been perpetrated on humankind.

Thanks for all you do to help awaken and educate people, Larry.

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I will never have another vaccine ever. I didn’t have the Covid vaccine because it doesn’t work anyway. Still catch it and still pass it on. Not only that it has Graphene Oxide unit which causes heart attacks.

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I’ve had a vaccine injury. I was given the shingles vaccine after I’d already had them. Now I get aching legs and feet which I never had before. My doctor who I had gone back to gave it to me. Like a lot of them they like jabbing people. Good money for them. When I went snd told him I’d looked it up he had a stupid look on his face and didn’t know what to say.

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