Jul 18, 2022Liked by Larry Cook

This is horrible. I am so sorry. I wonder how many people have realized that we were born into some kind of prison system? This place has got to be some form of hell. The more people who realize what is going on, the more hope we have to change the world.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022Liked by Larry Cook

This mom is like so many who think vaccinating babies and kids is a thing one does as a parent because it's the accepted social norm. Because it is so widely accepted, doctors and nurses have become complacent. They themselves are often not informed about the risks and they can't then provide information to the parents because they don't know it. They just take the government's word that the vaccines are "safe and effective"; words that have deadly consequences.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Larry Cook

This sounds 100% vaccine related - but they will crucify this mother for allowing her child to sleep in a position that has not been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics - because they know best. Never mind the hordes of societies gone before us that have allowed their children to sleep in positions that they find comfortable without consequence of death... this is the despicable way “out.” They push the narrative that infants either kill themselves by rolling onto their own stomachs, or parents kill them by letting them sleep that way. So very sorry for their loss, and all they will be facing in the future, it will likely be a prolonged, disgraceful, and degrading attack.

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