Sorry to just hear, my condolences & special prayers to his family & friends! May you fly high and be free with the Angels to meet our Savior! Thank you for your love of humanity, great spirit, hope, courage, knowledge, and strength you've given to so many Dr Buttar, may you be at peace, & God bless you in the hereinafter! You will always be remembered & in our hearts! <3 <3 <3

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Which episode is Dr Buttar on?

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I tried the links to the Brave replay and got this error message. Would like to hear the rest of Dr. Buttar’s story.

I got an error when visiting braveseries.com/?a=5c48865ee3b6f&b=0640e04a.

Error code: 1020

Ray ID: 777b3286a9518e98

Country: XX

Data center: den01


Timestamp: 2022-12-11 03:40:10 UTC

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I just tried the link and it worked for me. Perhaps try a different browser; or a computer if you are mobile.

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