Thank you for telling your story. Thank you for telling the truth. #StaySane


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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Larry, u n me are the same age, I am a bit older but still 59 till next Sept...I too now see my 7ish yr old/1971 vax injury for what it was-(as of 2022), clotting nosebleeds whilst shopping at the mall, that went on for some months. One of the strangest long term effects was that this affected my relationship with my father, who was queasy around blood. And that I saw myself as somehow 'unhealthy', 'damaged', causing trouble and embarassment. Also I experienced some serious anemia over years until some serious iron therapy in my late thirties. (I know taking iron is probably questionable in ways, might not do it now the same way....)..finally, a strange veil thrown over me then, socially, mentally, I felt I went backward in my ability to process social situations. The enormity of realizing you (and your family members/cohorts) have been poisoned, repeatedly, throughout our lifetimes. A gift to see the real problem, finally. Best from Oregon

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Cheers and happy birthday, Mr. Cook. Thank you for your thoughtful, informative, and passionate writing.

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Happy Birthday and wishing you many more.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Happy Birthday Larry! Thank you so much for all you do to educate those that want/need to know

more. Unfortunately it takes an event to make parents change course. I was aware but had no say, then my dear granddaughter got an MMR shot at 1/1/2, then a week later was blue when she arrived at the hospital after seizing. Thankfully she survived and the doc called it and she and her Sis have never had another jab these past 15yrs and never will. Wishing you all the best!

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Happy Birthday Larry!

I am 59 as well. Jabbed as a child as well. Almost killed me. Got the tonsils pulled. Constant ear infections for years. Arthritis later. Had to go carnivore to clear the arthritis up, and it's made my life so much better in other ways too.

I think before all of the vaccines, we were able to tolerate and process plants more easily. Now it's different. Most people are suffering from leaky guts, and a million other weaknesses.

Godspeed Larry.


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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Looks like Santa Monica beach in that awesome pic! Btw, I've a similar story, wherein I made the connection just a few years ago to my childhood history and my lifelong fire for natural, honest health and well-being. Thank you for all you do, Larry!! Happy Birthday!!

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HI Larry,

It seems that insanity rules when science and healthcare are being politicized in order to reduce and control population by the rulers (whatever you want to call them). So sorry you were hurt by the vaccines at such a young age. Have you recovered?

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Happy (belated) birthday Larry!

You've been a life changer to thousands!!

Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication!! Thank you!!

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Thank you Larry!


I am so afraid for my 2, almost year old grandson. His Mother was a Pharmacy Technician, and is totally brainwashed. My son (his Father) won’t listen to me. She got jabbed.

I’m not sure if he did, but I’m afraid to ask him. She wouldn’t speak to me for over a year just because I asked her if she was going to take the jab while she was breastfeeding. She is one of those first time Moms that KNOW EVERYTHING. lol 🙄

When I was a young Mother, I didn’t know any better. I let the “doctors” give them the jabbs.

Thank God they are both healthy and have never had any issues.

(35 & 35). But these new jabs, ARE deadly and I’m going to do everything in my power to protect my Grandson.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

God Bless You Larry. You have really turned lemons into lemonade! They haven’t stopped you from telling the truth yet, and I doubt they can stop you in the future. So many parents and children have benefited from your honesty and bravery. Thank you so much 🙏💕

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

Keep up the good work Larry and I follow you on X.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Larry Cook

thank you for your work

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Hi Larry thanks for sharing! We connected the dots of vaccine injury at 18 months old for my husbands 2 oldest kids born in 1993 and 1994 and wow did that open our eyes and it was in good timing because it saved them both and the youngest son from taking any Covid shots and they are very Leary of doctors and meds of any kind. Thank you for sharing your journey

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